This paper attempts to explore Ibn Miskawaih's thoughts on Islamic education and its relevance in contemporary Islamic education. Currently, there is a tendency for the quality of education to decline along with the development of communication and information technology. Islamic education faces big challenges in the current era. The tendency for morals to decline and figures who can serve as role models is a challenge in itself. It is necessary to present the concept of Islamic education in the current era which focuses on improving morals and ethics. The preparation of this paper used a qualitative approach using library research methods. Data was collected through books, articles and other documents related to the study of Ibn Miskawaih's Thoughts on Islamic Education and Its Relevance in Contemporary Islamic Education. The results of the study show that first, there is a need to integrate Islamic values in the school curriculum. Integrating Islamic values in the school curriculum is an important step in forming a generation with noble morals and noble character. Second, student character development. The integration of Islamic values in education can produce a strong foundation for the formation of students' character with noble and noble character, in accordance with Islamic teachings which are rich in moral and ethical values. Third, increasing spiritual understanding in modern education. An increased understanding of spirituality can help students find meaning and purpose in their lives. True education is education that not only includes intellectual and practical dimensions, but also deep spiritual dimensions.
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