Vision, Mission and Objective


Determined to realize Kolej Universiti Islam Melaka (KUIM) as a continuous strategic network between Alumni at all levels within and outside the country.



Creating a close relationship between KUIM and all Alumni who can provide mutual and continuous benefits for the glory of KUIM.



  • Intensify and strengthen relationships with local and international KUIM Alumni on an ongoing basis.
  • Disseminate information related to Alumni through the website, social media, publications and KUIM Alumni Bulletin.
  • Generate finance with Alumni to help develop various infrastructures that can be channeled through the KUIM Alumni Fund.
  • To increase the awareness of KUIM Alumni in order to help promote KUIM in various sectors in and outside the country.
  • Update information on KUIM Alumni graduates from time to time and also as a liaison entity with the KUIM Alumni Association.
  • Last Modified: Khamis 31 Mac 2022.